Monday, June 19, 2006


NY Sun's Glueck-Raker Is a Harvard Undergrad

I knew that yesterday was a slow news day at the NY Sun, but apparently they couldn't rustle up enough staff reporters either.

Leon Neyfakh, who wrote today's piece on Grace Glueck's resignation from the board of the Clark Art Institute, is a Harvard undergrad lad---a summer intern at the paper. I figured that most of the Glueck-hounds were not her equals, but this is ridiculous!

"Sorry the article wasn't any more interesting. Few people were around on Sunday, and I didn't have much room." Leon wrote me (turning Crimson, no doubt), after I told him I had discovered his greenhorn status by reading the author ID for his June 19 NY Observer book review. (Those Harvard boys sure do know how to play the field!)

His Glueck piece (for which he had tried to interview me on Fathers Day) was a rehash of what's already been written, except for a quote from Sam Sifton, NY Times culture editor, who would not comment on the Glueck kerfuffle, other than to say he was "happy to work with her."

CultureGrrl stated yesterday that she did not want to mudwrestle with fellow reporters. But she'd love to get down and dirty with a Harvard undergrad!

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